Saturday, June 30, 2007

Nubbin's Gator, Plein Air, Impressionism

"Nubbin's Gator"

This gator is one of about five that live around Nubbin's Slough. He (or she?) is very large, at least 12 feet. He came out of the water and took a large fish up on shore and tossed it up in the air to align it and swallowed it whole! Then a little later he swam very quickly to the shore and caught a large bird before it could get away! I was stunned that the bird didn't see him. Scary!
I tried to show part of his tail in the water as he kept surfacing and you could see it -- often all you see is the head.

8 x 10 inches
Acrylic on canvas board
custom frame

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Friday, June 29, 2007

Dandelion Daze, Impressionism Landscape

"Dandelion Daze"
8 x 10 inches
Acrylic on hardboard
This is a tribute to my Grandmother and the summers I spent with her in the Rockies. She gave me the most treasured memories of my turbulent childhood. This painting is all about childhood memories and being caught up in daydreams.

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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Discover, vases and fruit

16 x 20 inches
Acrylic on canvas

This is an older painting. I used to do everything realistically. Now I am open to many different forms of expression. As I created this still life, I found a hidden world of distorted reflections on the vases. I sat at a lower than normal view-point to give the feeling of a child looking up into the reflections. Loved pushing all the strong colors.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Nubbin's Morning, Plien Air Painting

"Nubbin' s Morning"
8x10 inches
Acrylic on canvas board
Got to go out to Nubbin's Slough again early this morning, it is one of those places I could go to every day and find something new and interesting to paint. I just have to make myself get out of bed early-- before it is so unbelievably hot! I did this painting alla prima (all at once), before 7:45! I did another one also this morning, and I will try to post it tomorrow.

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Monday, June 25, 2007

Sanibel Island, Impressionism Beach, Daily Painting

"Sanibel Island"
8 x 10 inches
Acrylic on canvas board
My son lives in Fort Myers, it is on the west coast of Florida. This beach was pretty good for finding seashells after a storm went by. I was taken by the bright colors even in the shadows.

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Sunday, June 24, 2007

Morning's Catch, Plein Air, Daily Painting

"Morning's Catch"
8x10 inches
(ready to frame)
Acrylic on canvas board

This is off to the right at the Nubbin's Slough lock. The herons and egrets were catching all kinds of fish! One of them couldn't swallow a big one, he just kept trying to put his head higher until he finally got it down-- whole!
The water used to come up and splash on the rocks in the foreground . . .

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Saturday, June 23, 2007

Nubbin's Slough, Plein Air, Impressionism Landscape

"Nubbin's Slough"
8 x10 inches
(ready to frame)
Acrylic on canvas board
This is just down the road from my house. I hope to do a whole series of this area. There isn't a lot of shade, so I went out around 7:00 this morning before it got too hot. The water is still very low even though we have been getting some rain off and on. Every bit of the land shown here was under water in January.
At least this part of Lake Okeechobee isn't being dredged. Some places are digging out the black muck so the lake will come back healthier when the water levels rise again.

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Friday, June 22, 2007

Pure Love, Still life

"Pure Love"
8 x 10 inches
Acrylic on canvas covered hardboard

Set this up on my porch...

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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Tricolored Heron, Wildlife

"Tri-colored Heron"
13.5 x 7.5 inches
(ready to frame)
Acrylic on hardboard
This is an odd size -- just right for that small narrow space that just needs a little painting!

This tri-colored heron is also known as a Louisiana Heron. They are found all over the southern states.

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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Young Palm, Impressionism Study

Study of a Young Palm
9 x 12 
Acrylic on watercolor paper

I just got caught up in the bright sunlit fronds! Reminds me of sunshine coming out of a tree.

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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Next Door, Plein Air

"Next Door"
(En Plein Air)
8 x 10 inches
Acrylic on canvas board
Not Available

I live next to a small ranch. I set up out side my house and looked across the fence at this neat little opening in the moss laden cypress trees.

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Monday, June 18, 2007

Guam, Impressionism Landscape

" Teenage Memories (Guam, USA)"
12 x 16 inches
Acrylic on canvas panel
Not for Sale

This is done completely by memory. I graduated from High School on the island of Guam. The thing I remember most was the dramatic sky. We had spectacular sunsets almost every night. The reef lined most of the island and the waves would break on the jagged rocks. I painted the ocean at low tide here to show the rocks.

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Sunday, June 17, 2007

Singing the Blues, Heron, Impressionism Wildlife

"Singing the Blues"
(Tri-colored Heron)
8x10 inches
Acrylic on canvas covered hardboard
Not Available

This is a study in value: a monochrome painting. One color plus white. I had fun taking pictures of this little heron, he just kept running all over the place, and then he would come running back. I wanted to get one of him taking off, but he never did -- which was fine with me because I took a lot of good shots of him.

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Saturday, June 16, 2007

In The Morning,Impressionism Landscape

"In the Morning"
12x16 inches
(ready to frame)
Acrylic on canvas panel

"Oh Lord in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee and will look up . . ." Psalm 5:3

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Friday, June 15, 2007

Fishing Hole, Impressionism Landscape

"Fishing Hole"
8x10 inches
(ready to frame)
Acrylic on watercolor paper

This is a little spot up near the Kissimmee River, before the drought set in. My boys used to prop up their poles and go catch minnows in a net. Good memories.

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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Sun Flowers, Impressionism, Daily Painting

"Sun Flowers"
8x10 inches
Acrylic on watercolor paper
Not Available

This was done alla prima, or all at once. I was pushing the color contrast, obviously! Acrylics dry quickly, so I had to work fast to get the effect I was affter. I love the way the sun-flowers look like 2 suns. Enjoy!

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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Stone Bridge, Plein Air, Daily Painting

"Stone Bridge"
8 x 10 inches
Acrylic on canvas board
Not Available

This was a fun little painting. I went to McKees Botanical Gardens this week. It was overcast when I set up. Then the sun came out and got very hot, so I had to work quickly! I got all caught up in painting the rocks. I might add just a little more to the palm trees, but I am happy with the way the focus is on the bridge.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Perseverance, Knife Work, Daily Painting

8 x 10 inches
Acrylic on hardboard

This is my best painting with a palette knife, at least as far as time and effort goes. I think that is because of the prep work I did first. Lori McNamara uses a toned board, so this time I primed my board and added warm sienna browns to the gesso. Plus I used a smooth hard board -- So much easier to work on than a canvas board! Thank you Lori! ( I used a brush for the birds).

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Saturday, June 09, 2007

Up the Creek 4, Palette Knife Painting, Impressionism Landscape

"Up the Creek, 4"
8 x 10 inches
(ready to frame)
Acrylic on canvas covered hardboard

This painting is the forth in a series from Arbuckle Creek.

This was one of those paintings I just kept struggling with. I learned that I do not like a canvas mounted on hardboard for a knife painting. If I had known, then I may have sanded it down and gessoed it with a colored primer, or not used it for a knife painting at all. Oh well, this is how we learn! I did end up using the brush for the boat and some of the branches. I thought I might add birds or someone fishing, but I don't think I am up to working on it again. It took me three tries as it is, and I like the final result.

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Monday, June 04, 2007

One Spirit, birds, Wildlife, Daily Painting

"One Spirit"
8x10 inches
Acrylic on hardboard
Not Available

This is another palette knife painting. I think I am starting to get the hang of it. Just wanted to try something new. I like the interesting effects the knife creates, and the loose painterly quality.
This is symbolic for the two becoming one through marriage.

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Saturday, June 02, 2007

Peek-a-boo, Impressionism, Daily Painting

(click on the image to enlarge)
8 x 10 inches
Acrylic on canvas panel

I created this painting from memory. It is a knife painting and is full of texture. I was experimenting with the thick and thin paint.

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Detail: Peek-a-boo

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