Friday, November 30, 2007

Taylor Creek, Plein Air Painting by Fawn

"Taylor Creek"
8 x 10 inches
Acrylic on hardboard
Ready to frame

Went out late this morning, and it was so hot for November! 85 degrees. But the wind was blowing and the sun light made everything easier to paint. I found a cypress tree to set up under and got two paintings done. Beautiful day.

I am working with some new colors. I also tried to make a plan and really slow down. So much more enjoyable. Things go much smoother if I don't change my mind half way through the painting!

Thanks for Looking!

Click here to see my gallery pages!

Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Drifting, shoreline driftwood, Daily Painting by Fawn


I love driftwood. It reminds me of my grandmother who collected it for her flower gardens. I painted this from some photos I took last year. I like the movement.

The mat board adds a nice texture to the water, so I used that to exaggerate the broken light on the water.

I tried to keep it loose and impressionistic, which is difficult for me.  Usually, I end up overworking a painting and adding too much detail. 

Thanks for looking!

Original Art
Acrylic on Acid-free Mat Board
Image size: 5 x 7 inches
Ready to frame
$85.00 (includes shipping)

Email me for availability:

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Paynes Prairie 2, landscape, Daily Painting

"Paynes Prarie 2"
9 x 12 inches
Acrylic on hardboard
Not Available

This is based on the value studies from yesterday.  I tried to limit my values, which I don't think I managed so well, because I really like lots of contrast. I made the focal point in the distance, and tried to soften the foreground. It took a couple of tries, but I like the effect. No critters this time, just wanted to practice some of the new ideas in my head.

Click here to see my gallery pages!

Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created. 

Monday, November 26, 2007

Paynes Prarie, Value Study, Plein Air, Alla Prima

Paynes Prairie Study
4.5 x 6 inches

Not Available

These are value studies I did at the workshop Saturday. We did about ten different exercises, not including warm ups. The goal here was to use limited values. The dark values could not be black or even dark gray, and the lights could not get very white. The color study had to follow the same values, only using color. I really liked this exercise, as it forced me to think through the whole process and not just slap it on in a hurry.
I plan to paint a larger painting of the color study and see if I can keep the subtle changes in value.

Thanks for looking!

Click here to see my gallery pages!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Paynes Prairie, Plein Air Painting

"Paynes Prairie"
8 x 10 inches
Acrylic on hardboard
(ready to frame)

Went up to Micanopy today, just south of Gainesville. Had a workshop with Linda Blondheim. She is an excellent instructor. It was windy, cold, and absolutely beautiful. Don't think I even came close to the feast of colors my eyes enjoyed today. It was a fantastic day!

Click here to see my gallery pages!

Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created. 

Friday, November 23, 2007

Cypress with Crotons, Plein Air Painting by Fawn

"Cypress with Crotons"
8 x 10 inches
Acrylic on hardboard
First time out in a long while. I started with just the crotons, at least that was the original idea, but the roots of this old cypress tree were just too interesting to pass up. They soon became the focus of the composition!
Have a plein air work shop tomorrow in Gainesville. Can't wait!

Click here to see my gallery pages!

Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created. 

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Sandhill Crane, wildlife art by Fawn

"Sandhill Crane"
5 x 7 inches
Acrylic on canvas panel
This crane was the leader in a row of five. He kept stopping and looking at the others as if to say "hurry up!" They were not happy with me and my camera, as I kept following them around and taking pictures. Only got three or four really good shots. This is one of them.

Click here to see my gallery pages!

Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Lake Side, sunlit shell, daily painting, by Fawn

"Lake Side"
5 x 7 inches
Acrylic on canvas panel
This is a fun little shell that was floating along and glowing in the sun. One of the shore birds here had just cleaned this one out.
Busy week, getting ready for Thanksgiving and all. Thought I would do a few small paintings this week. I may not get one posted everyday, but I will try. I will be out at a workshop on Saturday, so most likely wont have one that day.

Thanks for looking!

Click here to see my gallery pages!

Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created. 

Monday, November 19, 2007

Sunny Journey, sunlit cactus, Daily Painting

"Sunny Journey" (Life's Journey, 2)
9 x 12 inches
Acrylic on hardboard
(Ready to frame)

Wanted to try this one again with a different color scheme. I added a wall behind the cactus and changed the growth pattern a little. I love the luminous quality of this piece.

Click here to see my gallery pages!

Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created. 

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Life's Journey, sunlit cactus,daily painting by Fawn

"Life's Journey"
9 x 12 inches
Acrylic on hardboard
(Ready to frame)

This little cactus really caught my eye while I was at a garden painting last year. It has such interesting shapes and growth patterns. The sunlight just set it off like a jewel against the dark foliage. I got a couple of good photos of it, and now I have rearranged them slightly to create this composition.

This painting is symbolic for the twists and turns life brings our way, which bring about growth and character in us.

Thanks for looking!

Click here to see my gallery pages!

Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created. 

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Secret Place, fall scene, daily painting

"Secret Place"
9 x 12 inches
Acrylic on hardboard
(ready to frame)

What caught my attention? The cool mist with the sun peeking through! I exaggerated the contrast in the colors and emphasized the shadows.

"He that dwelleth in the secret place of The Most High shall abide under the shadow of The Almighty" Psalms 91:1

Email me for availability at

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Brunch, late morning egrets, wildlife art by Fawn

8 x 10 inches
Acrylic on gessoed hardboard
Ready to frame

Did this one back in July, but it was entered in a show, so now it is available.

It was the second in a series of three. I did the first in January, titled "Breakfast" and the third, in August, was called "Early Birds."


Click here to see my gallery pages!

Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Rising Up Again, ocean sunrise, daily painting by Fawn

" Rising Up Again"
12 x 16 inches
Acrylic on canvas

This painting was commissioned. It is similar to one I did a couple of weeks ago. The sky is a little different and this one is a smaller size. I also changed the bird and moved the horizon line down. This gives the same feeling of the first painting, but keeps it an original.

If you see something you would like in a different size or a different color scheme, please email me! Although I never make exact copies, I can do a similar painting for you.

Thanks for looking!

Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created. 

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Morning Blues, Beach, Sunrise, Daily Painting

"Morning Blues"
12 x 6 x 1.5
Acrylic on gallery wrap canvas

Sorry but the original is no longer available.

I really liked the effect of this odd size in a gallery wrap canvas. I pushed the colors here to create more mood. I wanted that early morning feeling. This is from the Bathtub Beach, in Stuart, Florida.

Thanks for looking!

Email me at: for information, or about having a custom painting created. Prices are by size.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Supper Time

"Supper Time"
8 x 10 inches
Acrylic on hardboard

Had an out of town show today, didn't get time to finish a painting, so I tweeked this one, and strengthened the shadows.

Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created. 

Friday, November 09, 2007

Florida's Lion 2, Panther, Wildlife art by Fawn

"Florida's Lion 2"
9 x 12 inches
Acrylic on hardboard

It was brought to my attention (by an art contest judge) that my perspective was off on my first painting like this. It may have been a little, but now after creating a whole new one, slightly larger, I don't think it was off too much at all. I really followed the photo more this time, taking less artistic license, at least in the anatomy. I still played around with the colors and the lighting, which I really like. I like the striking contrast of the first one, and the exaggerated angle of the head.

The thing I like most about this painting is the harmony of the colors, and the reflected light on the chest.

Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created. 

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Summer Rockies, Daily Painting by Fawn

"Summer Rockies"
9 x 12 inches
Acrylic on hardboard

Just finished this painting this morning. It is from a photo taken from my last trip out to my older brother's house. He lives 15 minutes from Glacier National Park in Montana. This brings back one of my fondest memories: when we were kids and our Mom took us up in the mountains for the first time. I think I was around ten. It was summer, and we had a snowball fight! I don't think my younger brother was as happy about it as I was, he didn't even like the snow in the winter time. I remember thinking that was the strangest thing, that there was snow in the mountains all year. . .

Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created. 

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Momma's Boy, Foal, Animal Art by Fawn

"Momma's Boy"
15 x 21 inches

This is a painting I did back in 1996! I just came across it, and wanted to show it off. I was just beginning to use watercolors and acrylics after years of painting with oils and teaching classes in oils. I felt like I had really come a long way after I finished this one. It took me weeks! I painted every hair. . . click on the image to see the detail.
I was thinking about my boys, while I worked on this. We were abandoned by their Dad. They were around ten and twelve years old. I wanted to protect them and take away the hurt, I was helpless. And yet I know we only learn by experiencing the tough things. God loves us with such an intelligent love, turning the hard things around for good. This Bible verse really spoke to me:

"Can a woman forget her suckling child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you." Isaiah 49:15 

Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created. 

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Boat Trail, Lake Okechobee Lily pads, Daily Painting

"Boat Trail"
12 x 6 x 1.5 inches
Acrylic on Gallery-wrap canvas
(Sides are painted)

This is about the in-between stuff. Instead of the lily pads being the main thing, I wanted the water in-between them to be the main thing. Does that make sense? I remember looking out at the endless lily pads and feeling like they just go on forever.

Up Date: This painting won a purchase award at Sebring's Art Festival! (11/10/07)

Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created. 

Monday, November 05, 2007

Kitty, Pet Portrait by Fawn

5 x 7 inches
Acrylic on canvas panel

I was interested in the analogous color scheme of this kitty on the plush red rug. Her eyes have just enough green to give them good contrast. It made her look so soft and inviting.

Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created. 

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Freedom, Plein Air Lanscape by Fawn

8 x 10 inches
Acrylic on hardboard

After doing laundry, running errands, grocery shopping, etc . . . I started to do some yard work in the early afternoon. But I got my priorities straight this time and pulled out my easel first! It was just too perfect: nice cool breeze, bright sunshine, and a perfect view in the shade. This is the first time in 6 or 7 months that it has been cool enough to paint past noon.

I live next door to the Freedom Ranch, south of Okeechobee city, and this is one of the great views I have of their ranch. Down the long driveway you will find an open-air church among horses, cows, and dogs. Quite an interesting place.
After I did this painting I got busy and did some yard work too. Just wanted to pull a few weeds, but my husband cut down a tree, and had me hauling off branches . . . Am I glad I painted first!

Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created.  

Friday, November 02, 2007

Autumn Study, Fall Leaves, Plein Air Painting

"Autumn Study"
7 x 11 inches
(ready to frame)

I didn't finish today's painting, so here is one I did on location in South Carolina a couple of years ago. It was so cold that morning that my fingers stopped working! I painted until I couldn't hold the brush . . .

Thanks for looking!

Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created.