Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Winter Morning, sunrise reflections

Winter Morning
© 2021

Just rescued this old demo from last year.  Painted over most of it. Turned grays and rocks into lovely morning colors dancing on the snow and the water.  Love the unruly pine tree too! 

That's how life is for me lately, turning the struggles into something, although I'm not as sure about the outcome with life situations!  Most of it is good.  God is faithful.  (Romans 8:28, He works it out for good if you love Him.)

8 x 10 inches
Acrylic on canvas panel
Ready to frame

Please email me for availability, or about having something similar painted in a size you prefer:


Friday, November 26, 2021

Christmas Trees on shells


Shell ornament, front and back: Morning Christmas Trees

Fun little projects for the Okeechobee Arts and Cultural  Alliance gift shop.

Approximately 3 x 4 inches.  (Pearlescent paint on back.)

         Shell ornament, front and back: Christmas Eve Trees

The colors of these seashells have a wonderful effect that reminds me of sunrise and sunset. The Christmas eve shell also suggests mountains on an ice-covered lake in the distance. 

The shimmer on the back reflects the lights nicely when hung on a Christmas tree. (In case the ornament gets turned.)

Not available

Click here to see more

Palm on a biscuit, nautical art

Coconut Palm

How cool is that?  I tried waves on the shore at first, but the raised flower pattern on the sea-biscuit cried out to me, "Make a flower, or a plant, or something!"  It took a few tries to get it to look like a palm tree instead of a green flower, but it was worth the extra effort!

The sea-biscuit has an interesting texture, which I would like to explore the next time I create something on one of these.  It seems like it would make very nice seafoam and bubbles.  (See the painting below for the back of this sea-biscuit to see the texture. Click on the image to enlarge it.)  The prep for this was a little more involved: used bleach to clean it, and 3 coats of clear primer. 

~ One of a Kind Original Art
~ Acrylic Painting on a Sea-Biscuit
~ 5 1/2 x 4 1/2  inches
~ Painted and Sealed with Professional Materials
~ Front and Back are Painted and Sealed
~ Sold

Back of sea-biscuit

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Loved, reflections, seashore, plaque


Believe it or not, you are loved beyond measure by the Creator of the whole universe!  He wanted you, created you, and has good things planned for you. Seek Him, invite Him into your situations again and again, and ask Him for strength to get through the rough times.  He will fight for you!

I found this piece of wood at a thrift store.  Cleaned it up with alcohol and used a clear primer to prep it.  I wanted the wood grain to show through for the most part.  The reflections of the sunrise were a little challenging, but I like the way it turned out.

~ One of a Kind Original Art
~ Acrylic Painting on Wood
~ 5 1/2 x 12 inches
~ Rope Hanger on Back
~ Painted and Sealed with Professional Materials
~ Front and Back are Sealed


Inhale - Exhale, mini, set, seashore


Sometimes you have to remember to just breathe!  Especially this time of year.  
Seems like the stress got overwhelming earlier this year.  I have slowed it down and told myself more than once, "It isn't even December yet!" 

Great gift idea:

~ Miniature Paintings: just 4x 4 inches each.
~ One of a Kind Original Art
~ Acrylic Paintings
~ Saw Hangers on the Backs
~ Painted and Sealed with Professional Materials
~ $450.00 for the Set 
~ Free Shipping in the US

Email me for availability: 


Monday, November 22, 2021

Friendly Snowman, chatting with a cardinal

"Friendly Snowman"

"How do you do?" I imagined the snowman welcoming the little red bird who seemed content to stay awhile.

Sometimes these demo paintings are just too fun to put down.  I made this one up in one afternoon for my afterschool art class.    My students will use him to add to their own winter scene, with or without the snow-covered tree. And I'm sure some will add the cardinal. 

Original demo
9 x 12 inches
Not available

I would love to create something similar for you! Email me at:


Friday, November 05, 2021

More Joy, Christmas ornament, snow, mixed media

"More Joy"
© Fawn McNeill 2020

I liked the first one so much that I taught this class again to a different group of students.  I added extra snow, and bling to this second Christmas Joy ornament painting. This one is a little larger.  Both were from separate demonstration paintings for art classes. I finished them up later with details, metallic paint, and glitter paint. 

Original Demo
11 x 14 inches
Ready to frame


Thursday, November 04, 2021

Christmas Snow, Christmas tree, mixed media

"Christmas Snow"

Went back and embellished this demo by adding glitter paint, and metallic paint.  I have done 3 of these, each one is a little different in the the background and the placement of the Christmas tree. This one has lights coming down, reminiscent of a hint of  Northern lights, and a suggestion of a frozen lake or pond. 
This is always a fun lesson for the children's art class. 

I framed it in an expensive frame, which set it off (see below).

Original Art
11 x 14
Elaborate silver frame
$1,000.00 (includes shipping in the US)

email me: for availability, or for having something similar created in a size you prefer. 


Healing Shores, sunset beach


"Healing Shores" 

© 2019 by Fawn McNeill

I created this for a friend  a few years ago. I love these colors and the angel hiding in the clouds. 

I just made this image available in greeting cards. (The original is not available.)  Published from an original acrylic painting.

Cards: 5 x 7 inches, blank inside, $5.00 each

Email me at: for more info, or to have something similar created in a size you prefer.

Click here to see more

Thanks for stopping by!

Florida Sunshine, butterfly

"Florida Sunshine"

One of my favorites! I just made this small painting available in greeting cards!

The butterfly landed on the grapefruit, which had a crack in it, and the light was making him glow.  It was captivating!  I took a lot of pictures at different angles until he finally flew off.

(The original is sold.)
5 x 7 cards, blank inside, $5.00 each

Email me:  for information about having something similar created in a size you prefer! (Also we can create: animal portraits, kids with pets or livestock, homesteads, inspirational art, etc... )  Price list by size.

Thanks for stopping by!

Click here for customer feed-back to see what others say about my work!  

Monday, October 25, 2021

Victorian mural, woman, palms, flowers and egrets

Approximately 10 by 11 feet, located above the walkway cabinets across from 
the kitchen in a beautiful home.

(Sorry for the glare on the image, but there was no way to get a good capture.) 

This image has less glare

Finished this today! What a challenging project this was.  Totally out of my comfort zone, in subject matter, style, and the level of danger!  Really stretched me.
I got the wall primed in late August, and then got sick with COVID the next day.  It was 3 weeks before I got the first lay in started, and I wasn't handling the after affects very well at all.  Scroll down for the in-progress images...

I had to climb up onto the counter top and then climb up on top of the cabinet via the opened door and bottom shelf on the far right.  There was about 10 inches to stand on to reach up, so there was very little space for moving around.  Standing on a small ledge and reaching up was quite exhausting, especially since I was easily tired and still week from being so sick.

 I used a roller to prime it, and trimmed it with large brushes, but it was too difficult to use the roller to get the blending of the colors, so I used large brushes for that.  I had a couple of scary moments with trying to climb up or down: my hand slipped in the small space between the cabinet and the wall (my fingers just fit enough to pull my self up) on the top right side. Thought I was going to have to leave early to change my pants.

I searched rental shops and online for some kind of split scaffold.  I lost sleep over trying to figure out how to build something to make things safer.  I even asked the Good LORD to help me put something together.  This small scaffold idea came to me after I prayed about it! 
 I used clamps to make it easy to move and take apart, but still keep it sturdy.  Climbing up and down was still dangerous, and my body ached in more places than I could have imagined. I expected some soreness in my shoulders, hands, wrists, knees, and legs, but I did not know your ribs in your back had muscles that could get sore! Even my bottom hurt.  (I had already been achy in my joints from COVID, so I wasn't sure how much was from the awkward positions and how much was from the after affects.) Needless to say, I only put in a couple of hours at a time the first week, and I didn't go every day.

In the image below you can get a better look at the way I put two 1 x 4 boards together for each leg to stabilize it, and I made a bracer bar on the top and the bottom of the legs. I screwed that whole base part together. I made the top brace equal to the length of the plywood so I could clamp the base to the platform. I could slide the whole thing down as I moved to the right of the mural.

You can also see that I found an extension ladder that was perfect for this project - I was so excited about that!  So much safer.
I did put drop cloths on the whole length of the counter and the floor, which was a good thing when my bucket of dirty water went over board!  Oh, and my phone bit the dust on another day, cracked the screen protector.

Once I got to feeling stronger, I stayed for longer periods of time and started making good progress.  Staying for 4 to 5 hours each session sped the process up.  It was a total of five and a half weeks from when I actually started painting, but just over two months if you count the time I was quarantined.  

I am so proud of myself for sticking with it and finishing it up!  There were some serious doubts! 

Let me know what you think!

Thursday, October 07, 2021

Lovely Ladies, flowers, mixed media

"Lovely Ladies"

Normally I create a painting and then put it in a complimenting frame.  But this painting was a little backward.  I had this amazing custom frame that belonged to a dear friend that passed away, so I wanted something special that looked fantastic with it.  (See below.)

Honestly, it was too elaborate for most of my country and wildlife paintings until I tried it on this painting with the pretty yellow flowers, it looked like it might work. 

 I painted a few more flowers in key places (and let it dry) before moving some charms and gems around on it.  I tried different pieces. They looked okay, but I wasn't satisfied.    I wanted something demanding that stood out and grabbed my attention.  That way the frame would enhance the artwork and not take away from it.    

I found some earrings, broaches, and pendants at a thrift store within the next week, and I knew that the gorgeous red flower would be perfect for this project! I added the sparkly white flowers, some beads, and the pretty butterfly for balance. I thought it all came together nicely.  The digital image doesn't do it justice.  The way the light hits it at different angles is truly delightful.

Custom frames are quite expensive, but I love it.  This is a tribute to my dear friend, Deborah Flowers, who had exquisite taste.

Mixed Media
8 x 10 inches
Elaborate custom frame
$895.00 (includes shipping)

Please email me for availability:

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Thankful, shore line


I wanted the word 'thankful' to feel like a whisper, so I glazed over it to soften the dark bold color of the letters, but I didn't want it to completely disappear, so I put less waves and sand over the letters.  I liked the effect, so I left it alone and didn't add too many details. 

Original art on cradled wood
11 x 5 x 1.5 inches
Sealed with clear semi-gloss sealer

Thanks for stopping by!


Friday, September 24, 2021

Working the Edge, tricolored heron, mixed media

"Working the Edge"

I saw this heron while we were out fishing in the rim canal at Lake Okeechobee.  He fished that edge for quite a while and I got some nice pictures of him.  This was a fun little impressionistic painting with lots of loose brush strokes and bright colors.

I hid some clear colored beads in colors that match, so it is a somewhat hard to see them until the light hits them.  There are some peach and orange beads on the hill, green ones among the lily pads, and a few blue ones near the rocks in the water.  The blue ones show up the best, which was the goal, so it adds more sparkle to the water. 

 Framed it in a nice wide custom frame and embellished it with silver lace along the inside lip (see below).


5 x 7 inches
Mixed media


Thursday, September 23, 2021

Seahorses, mixed media, starfish and shells


This is a fun little piece.  I inverted a deep cradled board (wood block) and used the outer edge as a frame.  I painted all sides, including the back.
The seahorses and the white starfish are resin. My friend, Carol Jones, made them for me. You can find her art at:  
They are perfect for mixed media!  I added shells that Carol and I found together.  The tiny starfish are real.  I also added some beads and pearls for that extra sparkle. 

Mixed Media
6 x 6 x 1.75  inches 
$45.00 plus shipping
Sealed with a clear permanent sealer for protection.


Fluffy, bunny portrait, knife painting


This is a take off of "Peter" which I did years ago.
I thought I would add mixed media and thick layers of impasto, but I stopped here because I really liked it and didn't want to mess it up by adding too much.  It is much harder to undo mixed media than it is to change knife paintings.

I apologize for the glare on the images. I usually do my photography with a professional camera, but these were taken with my cell phone, because they were spoken for before I had a chance to get a better capture. The glare is in a different place on each image, so you can get a good overall idea.  (Images never capture the way it truly looks in person because the camera can't capture the subtle changes in values and hues.)

I made the little custom frame for it.  I mitered, joined and then embellished it.  I love the little bit of gold lace on the inside lip.  It adds a nice texture and enhances the painting too.

6 x 6 inches
Knife painting
Not Available 

Email me if you would like a portrait of your pet or livestock:

Click here to see more


Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Near The Window, mixed media flowers


"Near The Window"

Nice little mixed media painting. I only added a few beads this time.  Wanted to keep it simple but then I put it in a beautiful fancy frame (see below.) Really sets it off.

Thanks for looking!

Mixed media
5 x 7 inches
Custom frame
Please email me for availability:

Morning Path, knife painting


"Morning Path"
© Fawn McNeill 2021

The plants lit up when the sun hit them just right. The orange and yellow really caught my eye along this pathway. I took lots of photos. There were birds and wildlife greeting me at every turn!

I updated this little gem with a couple of palms, a bird, and a little bunny.  I also put it in this custom frame, which I painted with a lacy gold trim.  I love it!


~ Acrylic on hardboard
~ Original palette knife painting
~ 5 x 7 inches 
~ Unique custom frame (see below)
~ $550.00 (free shipping in US)
~ Email me for availability (


Related Posts:

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Back to the River, mixed media

"Back to the River"

I've been revisiting some older works. This is a scene on the Kissimmee River.  I was interested in the  blue shadows on the sandy road from the morning sun.   This is a somewhat of a knife painting with beads and charms for added interest.  I did some parts with thick texture by using a palette knife and I left other parts smooth for contrast.  I love the way the beads catch the light.  Too much fun!

Mixed media 
5 x 7 inches
Unique custom frame
(Not available)

Email me for a custom painting done similar in a size you would like!


Monday, September 06, 2021

Mountain Air Too, colorful knife painting

 "Mountain Air, Too"
© Fawn McNeill 2020

This was originally a demonstration painting for an art lesson last year.  I was doing semi-private lessons after everything closed down from COVID.   I went back later and repainted it as a knife painting to add more texture and details.  It quickly became one of my favorites!

~ Original knife painting
~ Acrylic on stretched canvas
~ 11 x 14 inches
~ Ready to frame 
~ $670.00

Related Posts:

Heaven's Grace, Knife painting, Dove

 "Heaven's Grace"
© by Fawn McNeill, Dec. 2020

This is a demonstration painting from last year. I was using the knife to paint over a smoothly painted background (used a brush for the background).  I wanted to exaggerate the contrast between the smooth texture and the rough texture. 
This painting is special to me because I sign my name with a dove as a thank you to God the Father.  The dove is symbolic of the Holy Spirit.

Acrylic on canvas
11 x 14 inches
Ready to frame
$750.00 (Free shipping in the US)

Please email me for availability:

Friday, July 23, 2021

Relax, beach scene, sunset, coat hanger


I found this wood sign in a thrift store.  Went back to it several times, but I really did not want to clean it up.  It was old, grimy, and smoke stained. It also needed some wood glue to hold the letters in place as they were coming loose.  

The scene on it was cartoonish, and the shells were dull browns. I wasn't sure it would be worth the time to clean it and prime it.   

First I repaired it, then I tried to clean it.  What a mess.  It did not come clean, even with strong cleansers and rubbing alcohol.  So I sanded it down to get most of the dirt and paint off.  Then I primed it with a couple of coats of white primer.  

The shells and starfish are made from some kind of hard plastic.  I used a special primer so the acrylic paint would not peel off.  (Acrylic paint does not like slick surfaces.)

 Now I could see it would work.  I drew my seascape on it and got the first layer of color started. That's when I knew it would be worth it! I always love painting the colors of the ocean, and this was one I could really exaggerate.  I also added some pearlescent paint to my colors on the shells and some in the painting too.  When you view it at different angles it shines.  

The idea of taking something I would have thrown away and turning it into something beautiful and valuable really made me feel good.  Made me think about how God rescues us so often, and He turns our lives around for good.

Original hand crafted art
Acrylic on wood
Coat hanger (see below)
15.5 x 8.5 inches

Thanks for looking!


Casper, white calf, knife painting


Revisited this older painting.  Corrected a few things, added flowers, and exaggerated the eyes to make it even cuter.   I also changed the name and put it in a new frame. 

Sometimes they go into storage and when I bring them out for a new frame I just have to fix the things that don't look right to me now.  

Too funny how we see things differently over time!

Original art
Acrylic palette knife painting
Image size: 5 x 7 inches 
Custom frame (see below)
$155.00 (free shipping in the USA)

Please email me for availability: or to have something similar created!


Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Spring Showers, arrowhead plant, swamp, mixed media

"Spring Showers"

Fun little knife painting that was a study of this water plant.  I found it a couple of months ago while going through some things in storage.  Thought I should finish it up and add some bling! 

I was thinking about the winter colors of oranges and reds giving way to lime greens and all the bugs coming out as the flowers start to bloom. I darkened the background and added some blues to symbolize rain, then added more texture with acrylic modeling paste to make the leaves jump out more.  I also added charms and beads to emphasize the ideas of spring. They catch the light at different angles.

About this Painting:

Mixed media 
6 x 6 inches
custom wood frame (see below)
$485.00 (includes shipping in the USA) 

Love the classy wood frame, which added the finishing touch. 

Hint: frames can really set off a picture, or kill it.  They also protect the artwork from damage over the years.  Look for something that enhances the art or brings out the colors first, and then something that also goes with your décor.