Thursday, July 26, 2007

Lavender's Sway 3, Abstract Flowers, Daily Painting

" Lavender's Sway 3"
8 x 10 inches
Acrylic on hardboard


While zooming in, I noticed how the light made these flowers look like squiggly blobs of glorious color, so I exaggerated the effect and had a blast with all that thick paint. I added the butterflies for contrast. This is one for EBSQ Art-- August Flower of the Month contest. 

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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Lavender's Sway Too, Impressionism Floral

" Lavender's Sway Too"
8 x 10 inches
Acrylic on hardboard

Zoomed in on the flowers this time. I Love pushing thick paint around. The movement and abstract quality is showing up too.

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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Lavender's Sway, Impressionism Landscape

"Lavender's Sway"
8x10 inches
Acrylic on hardboard
I painted this from a photo and rearranged a few things to make it into a stronger composition. I love the contrast of the bright tan hill against all that purple. I want to do some more of these plants, closer up. I really want to zoom in on them. We'll see! There is also a show coming up at (EBSQ Art) for Lavender plants, so this one should do well.
I love lavender, it has so many therapeutic uses. Did you know the oil made from it has many uses, and it has healing qualities?

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Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Real Deal, cowboy, daily painting

"The Real Deal"
5x7 inches
Acrylic on gessoed board
Not Available

Wanted to practice portraits. I usually struggle with getting a likeness. I built this painting up with thin layers of paint. This is a friend of mine, he is a true cowboy and has been all of his life. I tried to use colors that symbolize and emphasize his occupation. I think I captured him fairly well.

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Saturday, July 21, 2007

Early Prayers, Plein Air, Daily Painting

"Early Prayers"
8 x 10 inches
Acrylic on canvas board

Got up extra early to beat the heat. I like to get up before everyone, and have time to myself to pray, paint something, or read. What a beautiful sunrise! I really did not do it justice. However, I do like the vines growing on the palms. I painted it alla prima (all in one session), from my back deck.


Friday, July 20, 2007

Wild River Cow, Impressionism, Animal Art

" Wild River Cow"
5 x 7 inches
Acrylic on gessoed board

I am intrigued with these cows. They got stranded on an island on the Kissimmee River years ago when the Florida Water Management straightened out the river. Every two or three years a group of cowboys would get together and try to round them up. These are animals that know nothing about a round up! Very dangerous.

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Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created. 

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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Breezy Blue,Impressionism Wildlife, Heron

"Breezy Blue"
8.5 x 4 inches
Acrylic on Watercolor Paper
Not Available

I like the tension: feels like the great blue heron is about to take off because he is looking away and placed near the edge of the painting. This is something Robert Bateman does quite often in his work, to add more interest and movement.
This is a wonderful 'off-size,' which is perfect for a hard to fill space on a wall. However, I like to remind my clients when purchasing these off-size originals that they usually have to be custom framed.

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Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created. 

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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Sunny Days, Impressionism Flowers,Daily Painting

"Sunny Days"
9 x 12 inches
Acrylic on gessoed board

I love the almost abstract feel to this little painting. I wanted to make one of the dandelions look like a kid's sun in the corner of their picture. Even my high school students wanted to paint the sun in the corner of their pictures! It drove me crazy trying to explain why that isn't such a good idea: on top of a green sky when they added the blue near the yellow sun, we had very silly cartoon looking suns in the corner of a very nice landscape! So here is to my kids! Smile.

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Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created. 

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Friday, July 13, 2007

Soul Searching, Abstract, Daily Painting

"Soul Searching"
8 x 10 inches
Acrylic on canvas board

Just wanted to paint an abstract. I believe we are all on a journey, and we often get caught on paths that mislead us.  But we can also seek out the truth and intentionally throw out the negative thoughts and habits that beset us. The truth is found when we really seek it.

Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created. 

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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Rough Water, Wildlife, Realism, Pelican

"Rough Water (Pelican)"
11 x 14 inches
Acrylic on hardboard

I created this painting a few years ago-- from some photos I took at the Fort Pierce inlet. It began as a palette knife painting. But then I got into the brush work applied over the cool textures that the knife made. I love the hard rocks against the feathers, and all of that against the moving water. I wanted to make all those contrasts stand out. This is one of those paintings that I just got carried away with and kept adding more and more detail.

Click here to see my gallery pages!

Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created. 

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Send Your Rain, Impressionism Landscape

"Send Your Rain"
8 x 10 inches
Acrylic on hardboard

What an answer to prayer to see these storms coming everyday now! The water level is up 10" at Lake Okeechobee!
These tall dead trees against the foreboding sky really caught my attention. I wanted to catch that feeling of knowing you are about to get soaked if you don't find shelter!

Click here to see my gallery pages!

Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created. 

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Sunday, July 08, 2007

Peace, Realistic Impressionism, Seascape

"Peace on Earth"
18 x 24 inches
Acrylic on canvas

This is a painting I did last November. I love the bold colors and wanted to post it again.

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Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created. 

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Saturday, July 07, 2007

Brunch, Impressionism Landscape, Daily Painting

8 x 10 inches
Acrylic on canvas board

This is a sequel to one I sold called "Breakfast," it is from the same area, just a little later in the day.
Love the movement and lighting!

Please email me for availability