Sunday, May 05, 2013

Sabbath, landscape with egret


Love the peaceful feeling of this one. Tried to make it impressionistic by exaggerating the brush strokes.  It is now available in print! 


Size: 12 x 16 inches
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
original painting: $800.00  
Ready to frame

Click here for greeting cards or prints in various sizes of this painting. 

Click here to see my gallery pages!

Email me at: for  availability or information about having your own custom painting created. 

Click here to see what others say about my work!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Falling Fast, waterfall

"Falling Fast"
© Fawn McNeill 2013

This started as a demo for my adult class. Didn't have time to work on it much during class as I was helping my students, so I worked on it later.  I got carried away with the details when I finished it up! 

I love the shadows in the rushing water. 

I know put in too many hours, but I enjoyed it. I love it when I get lost in that timeless zone and lose track of time!

~ Original demo
~ Acrylic on hardboard
~ 9 x 12 inches
~ Ready to frame
~ $730.00 (free shipping in the US)

Related posts:

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Easy Does It, Southern sunset, palms, wildlife


Been working on this one for a couple of years, off and on.  Finally decided to add a turtle instead of birds on the trunk of the closer palm. I was inspired while out on a fishing trip.  Just love the way the palms grow upward after being blown down in a storm. 


Size: 24 x 30 inches
Medium: Acrylic on canvas

Click here for greeting cards or prints in various sizes of this painting. 

Click here to see my gallery pages!

Email me at: for  information about having your own custom painting created. 

Click here to see what others say about my work!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Peppys Picasso, animal portrait


Finally finished up this painting, which I started before I had to have major surgery. Had a month of being in bed, and then trying to re-open my gallery, so it has been one of those things that I kept working on in between everything else. It really turned out nice, however. 
Peppy is a two time world champion in the western reining events. He has won other honors as well.  He is a magnificent horse. I think I have done justice to him.

Just before Christmas, my appendix ruptured and encapsulated my ovary.  I went around for over two weeks with pain, thinking It was my ovary. I was diagnosed with an ovarian tumor and cysts, which are common. My ovary was swollen to the size of an orange because all the poisons went into my female organs.  Needless to say, when they went in to take out the tumor they found a mess! A large sticky ball of goo instead of a tumor.  They took out everything. Ended up with a hysterectomy and an appendectomy, and they cleaned out all the poisons.  I am fortunate to be alive, as often the toxins kill people.  I am two months into recovery, and still battle the pain from it, although it is not nearly as severe.

(Click here to read more about the new studio and the cool dreams I had just before my appendix ruptured.)

I thank the Lord for giving me a new lease on life, and I look forward to what he has for me next!

Media: Acrylic on hardboard
Size: 18 x 24 inches


Click here to see my gallery pages!

Email me at: for  information about having your own custom painting created. 

Click here to see what others say about my work!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Country Barn

"Country Barn"

This painting started as a demonstration for my adult painting class, added more fog and details before posting it.

Media: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 9 x 12 inches
prints available 

Click here for info and prices of prints or cards of this painting.

Click here to see my gallery pages!

Email me at: for  information about having your own custom painting: pets portraits, livestock, homesteads, etc.... use your photos, can mix and match backgrounds or change colors. 

Click here to see what others say about my work!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Headed Home, country path, fall scene

"Headed Home"

This painting started as a demo for my adult painting class, just added the fence and some more details to finish it up.  It has a nice feel of good memories.


Media: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 11 x 14 inches

Email me at: for  information about having your own custom painting created. 

Click here to see what others say about my work!

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Delightful Mischief, puppy portrait

"Delightful Mischief"

Here is another custom painting that was ordered for a Christmas present.  So grateful that I had a couple of months to work on it, and got it done before I had to go in for surgery. Absolutely love all the fur!

~ Original Acrylic
~ 8 x 10 inches
~ Sold

Saturday, January 05, 2013

Jen and Little Grey, horse and rider

"Jen and Little Grey"

Painted this custom order for a Christmas gift. Feel like I captured a likeness for both of them! Love the colors.

I was in the hospital just before Christmas, so I was thrilled to get this done in time! (Click here to read more.)

Acrylic on Hardboard
11 x 14 inches

Click here to see my gallery pages!

Email me at: for information about having your own custom painting created. 

Click here to see what others say about my work!

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, December 09, 2012

Savanna Skies, Florida landscape with egrets and palms

"Savanna Skies"
© 2012

Created this from some small studies and photos I took at a plein air paint-out at the Savanna's Recreational Park in Fort Pierce.  The digital image really doesn't do it justice.  Tons of detail.  

Thanks for stopping by!

20 x 24 inches 
Acrylic on canvas
Custom Gold Frame (see below)
$4,000.00 plus shipping  

Email me:  for availability.

Sunday, November 04, 2012

Fond Memories, mountain landscape with horses running

"Fond Memories"

Made most of this painting from memory. Actually I created it from a few different memories of my summers in Montana, and I also combined different horses.  I put the Swede mountain range in the distance, but used the gorge from  Libby Creek to set it all off.  I made the stream bigger than I remember it too. It was always a muddy mess right here where the horses crossed it regularly.  I added less mud and more water to clean it up some.  Plus I love all the splash.  I used some photos for the horses, but left a few of them out and changed their colors to symbolize my childhood dreams.  This painting took months to complete, and then I went back and reworked it too.  


Media: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 18 x 24 inches
Price for original: $1,200.00  plus shipping 
Ready to frame

Click here for info and prices of prints or cards of this painting.

Click here to see my gallery pages!

Email me at: for availability or information about having your own custom painting created. 

Click here to see what others say about my work!

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Fawn's Studio, a teaching center and art gallery

So excited to be opening a teaching center! Here is a link to find out more about it:

Trying to get opened by next month.  So far the Good Lord has put the whole thing together and it has been amazing how many people have gotten behind me to support it!