Saturday, October 06, 2007

Maple Moth, Fall Leaf, Daily Painting

"Maple Moth"
8 x 10 inches

This moth matched the maple leaf so well that I had to exaggerate it some to get it to show up! The shadows were fun to paint, and the wood grain too. I love the effects of the watercolor paint on this rag paper - acid free, 25% rag.

Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created. 

Friday, October 05, 2007

Windy Palm, Atlantic Beach Sunrise, Daily Painting

"Windy Palm"
8 x 10 inches
Acrylic on watercolor paper

This is one of those "not allowed" paintings. My professors at Florida Atlantic University said that beaches and palm trees were cheesy and overdone. We were not allowed to paint them! I love them. I don't care how common place they are in Florida, they are so fun to paint, and very popular!
I painted this from memory.

Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created. 

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Morning Rain, Plein Air, White City Park, Daily Painting

"Morning Rain"
8 x 10 inches
Acrylic on hardboard

This is the second painting I did Tuesday morning with my plein air group. It sprinkled some, but not enough to rain us out. The night before it really stormed and flooded much of the park. I worked on this one some when I got home. The rain had left streaks on the painting. I also touched up the Wood stork that was running along the shore behind the foreground tree.

Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created. 

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

River Oak, Plein Air, Daily Painting

"River Oak"
8 x 10 inches
Acrylic on hardboard

Went out to White City Park again yesterday. This old moss covered oak was inviting -- hanging over the river. The east coast had a great deal more rain than we did inland. The water level was very high, Some of the benches and pavilions were partially underwater! Everything looked totally different from last week.

Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created. 

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Light Chop, Ft. Pierce Inlet, Pelican, Realism, Impressionism

"Light Chop"
8 x 10 inches
Acrylic on gessoed board
This painting was created from a photo I took last year. I love the painterly strokes and lively movement that I added to the water. In the photo it was rather calm. The pelican gave me some trouble (re-did him a couple of times.) Now he seems to be right at home. I finished it up last night, but the power was out -- so I wanted to post it today. Click on it to see the thick brush work up close.

Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created.  

Monday, October 01, 2007

Purple Pond, Egrets, Realistic Imprssionism, Daily Painting

"Purple Pond"
8 x 10 inches
Acrylic on gessoed baord

This little pond was surrounded by purple wildflowers. The path went around the left and up to a clearing just out of the painting. I like the cool colors in the foreground against the warm sunlight in the background, and as usual, I wanted to add a couple of the egrets that were hanging out. 

Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created.  

Saturday, September 29, 2007

At The Lake, Morning,Daily Painting

"At The Lake"
(Lake Okeechobee)
8 x 10 inches
Acrylic on hardboard
Not Available

Bright morning sun, birds singing, and flowers blooming. There is usually great contrast in the mornings. I exaggerated the colors in the sky, taking the colors from just slightly earlier. This is painted from photos I took at Lake Okeechobee. 


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Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created. 

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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Gotcha, Realistic Impressionism, Wildlife, Heron,


This is a tri-colored heron. A couple of weeks ago, he was fishing near me while I was painting on location. He didn't seem to mind me at all. I took a ton of pictures and got about four outstanding shots. I combined a couple of them for this painting.

~ Exclusive original art
~ Acrylic on canvas
~ 16 x 20 inches
~ $1,300.00 plus shipping
~ Ready to frame

email me for availability:

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Overcome, Plein Air, Impressionism, Palms

8 x 10 inches
Acrylic on canvas


Went out with the Treasure Coast Plein Air Painters group yesterday. It was fun. We were painting at White City Park.

When I saw this little palm hanging out, I had to paint it. I love these palms because you know at one time they were blown over. The growth pattern tells me that at one time this tree started to turn and grow back up even after it was blown down. It reminds me of all the times we have to change course in life, and overcome hardships. We don't have to let things become an excuse to destroy us. Just like this tree is more interesting because it kept going, so are we.

Click here to see my gallery pages!

Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created. 

Click here to see what others say about my work!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Surpassing, impressionism, botanical, water, lily pads

8 x 10 inches
Acrylic on gessoed board
Not Available

I was thinking about peace as I painted this. Sometimes things are too painful to think about, or too hard to understand. When we pray, there is peace of mind, and we don't have to have the answers, just faith that God will work it all out like he says he will.

Click here to see my gallery pages!

Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created. 

Click here to see what others say about my work! 

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Last Watch, Impressionism Seascape, Sunset

"Last Watch"
24 x 36 inches
Acrylic on canvas
Not available

I hid an angel in the clouds. The sand was fun, lots of texture and contrast. I also like the way these colors play off of each other.
This is a commissioned painting.

Click here to see my gallery pages!

Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created. 

Click here to see what others say about my work!.

Friday, September 21, 2007

At Lake Istokpoga, Impressionism, Plein Air

"At Lake Istokpoga"
5 x 7 inches
Acrylic on hardboard

This is the third painting I did Tuesday out at Lake Istokpoga (iss-ta-po-ga). This small painting has a very simple composition, yet it works well. I was very happy with the lighting and the movement. I did it alla prima (all in one session).

Click here to see my gallery pages!

Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created. 

Click here to see what others say about my work!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Lake Istokpoga Too, Plein Air, bird, heron

"Lake Istokpoga Too"
8 x 10 inches
Acrylic on hardboard

This is the second painting from Tuesday morning. I added the great blue heron when I got home. He had been sitting at the end of the dock most of the morning, then he just took off!

Click here to see my gallery pages!

Email me at: for availability and/or information about having your own custom painting created. 

Click here to see what others say about my work!