Sunday, February 15, 2009

Delicate Dance, double hibiscus

"Delicate Dance"
"You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. . ." Psalm 30:11

I have been working on this large format off and on for a few months now. This is the second in a series of these large florals, but I had to put them aside before I got very far. Now that my husband is well, I am getting back to some of my goals and ambitions. Life is getting better every day!

Painting continues on sides, framing is optional.

Media: acrylic on gallery wrap canvas
Size: 24 x 30 inches

Email me at: for availability 



D. Sisson said...

Fawn, this is stunning! Congratulations on completing this large beauty. Wow!

Fawn McNeill Barr said...

Thank you! It is going in my guest room!