Sunday, May 28, 2023

New Every Morning, sunrise, beach, waves, sandy shore

"New Every Morning"
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come 
to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
 (Lamentations 3:22-23)

Looking for patterns in the woodgrain for sand and then using that to find the waves is quite satisfying. It is challenging to add layers for the illusion of transparent water and exciting to add the details of seafoam with its interesting patterns and shadows. 

I revisited this painting after hanging it in my bedroom for a couple of months. (I noticed a few things I wanted to change each time I studied it.) This is risky, as I have ruined a painting and had to start over completely.  But now that I have removed a few of the exaggerated shadows, added more seafoam, and brightened some of the splashes, I am happy I did it!

I used to never allow myself to go back over a painting, thinking, "That was how I interpreted things then, and I should not change it. Don't want to risk ruining it either."  But now I find myself enhancing and correcting some of them, thinking, "It is mine, I can change it if I want!"  (The older I get the the more courageous I get! Too funny.)

This painting is framed in a floater frame, sort of.  I inverted a cradled wood support and painted it to bring out the colors of the sand and put the painting in it as if it were a floater frame.  It turned out perfect!


~ Original acrylic on cradled hardboard
~ Professional Materials
~ 12 x 12 inches (including frame)
~ $875.00 (free shipping in the US)

Email me:  for availability or to have something similar created.

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