Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Moving to a new blog site

 For the last two months, I have not been able to upload images to this blog site.  I love posting on my blog because I can give backstories, insights, and personal struggles associated with the painting. 

I have eighteen years of posting on this blog, and I love the ease and format of it.  I will miss it! 

I plan to link back to this blog when referring to earlier paintings. 

Please bear with me as I learn a new platform and continue my blogging journal on my website.  You can see my new posts at: 


I hope you will bookmark it and follow me there! 

Wednesday, March 06, 2024

Okeechobee Blessings, Florida Landscape

 "Okeechobee Blessings"

I just finished this painting from last year.  I created it during a class as a lesson last summer. It was still unfinished and rough because I helped my students finish up their paintings.  So now I have added quite a bit more detail, including the clouds and sun.  There is also an angel in the sky.  I gave it more texture on the foliage and grass before adding the tiny details.  

This painting was created from my sketches. It is a combination of places I have been here in Okeechobee county.

~ Original Art
~ Acrylic on Canvas
~ 14 x 18 inches
~ Not Available

If you are interested in having something similar painted, please email me at fawn@fawnsartstudio.com.  I would love to put something together for you in a size you would like! (Priced by size.)

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Miss Molly, pet portrait


"Miss Molly"

Just finished this little commissioned portrait in memory of sweet Molly. 

 I love her soft fluffy fur.  I added a hint of angels in the wispy clouds and used sunset colors to compliment her markings.

~ Acrylic on canvas
~ 8 x 10 inches
~ Sold

Email me for information about custom paintings of your pets or livestock; fawn@fawnsartstudio.com

Related posts:

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Take the High Road Home, winter landscape

 "Take the High Road Home"
8 x10 inches

This was created completely from memory.  I made it up as I went along.  

I loved the snow when I was young, but now I'm quite content to live in the mild winters of Florida!

I've been working on this little painting since last month.  I have to rest my right hand, but my left hand just doesn't do as good of a job.  I started this painting with my left hand. I actually created a great deal of it with my off-hand. But not the details.  My left-hand cramps and is not used to the motion of the strokes, so it is slow and cumbersome.

My dominant hand, my right hand, has been in a brace for 5 months.  The wrist is still tender and swollen. The pain runs up to my fingers and down to my elbow.  The tendon from my thumb to my wrist had a couple of small tears, and my wrist and hand had five cists.  I went through two rounds of steroids (pills) and one round of antibiotics. 

The doctor wanted me to come in for steroid shots in my wrist, but I chickened out and did not go back.  

Overall, I am better: I can do more with less pain, but things take longer.  I am careful not to stress it. I also wear my brace (which immobilizes my thumb) if I am doing anything that requires lifting or pulling.  When I forget, it sure lets me know!

I have several small paintings in progress, but I am not pushing myself to get them done. 


~ Original Art
~ Acrylic on Canvas
~ Professional Materials
~ 8 x 10 inches
~ Ready to frame

Related Posts:

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Endless Life, angel, knife painting


"Endless Life"
© Fawn McNeill 2009

I haven't been painting much, due to an injury to my right hand/wrist.  So I am posting this older favorite little knife painting.  I created it when I was doing a lot of small palette knife paintings. I did this for Christmas back in 2009!  
Click here to see the link to the original post and the symbolism I used for this little gem.

~ Original Acrylic 
~ Knife Painting
~ 6 x 6 inches
~ Not Available

I would love to create something similar for you in a size you would like! (Custom orders are priced by size) Email me for more information: Fawn@FawnsArtStudio.com
Click here to see customer feedback.

Click here to read more about my wrist and my son battling cancer.

Happy New Year!


Friday, November 10, 2023

Christmas Shore, mixed media

Christmas Shore
9.50 x 12 inches
mixed media on wood

Just added the starfish and sand dollars to this fun project. 
Started this a few years ago, but I wasn't sure if it was finished. I was using the wood grain for the sand, which I have done before.  Gives it a nice effect. I truly love the small sand dollars and tiny starfish!  they add the extra something I was looking for.

  • Original
  • Exclusive art
  • Mixed media
  • Professional materials
  • Sealed
  • Not available
Click here to see more


Friday, October 27, 2023

Breathtaking Impact, Beach sunrise, mixed media,

© Fawn McNeill 2019
"...the breath of the All Mighty gives me life."  Job 33:4

I'm posting this older piece because I haven't painted much in the past few months. I hurt my right hand doing yard work in June. I have used my left hand some and can use my right hand, but it doesn't work like it used to.  The MRI says I have 2 torn tendons (small tears) in my wrist/ hand, and some infection in the bones too... Am trying to get an appointment with an Orthopedic.

I love this painting. It captures that moment of awe that I had that morning as I came around the bend and saw the sun hitting the water at the same time the salt breeze hit my face. 

The painting is built up with Acrylic Gel Medium and Acrylic Modeling Paste for some interesting textures that captured the paint as I dry brushed over it. You can't really see the textures until you view the painting from different angles.  But you can feel it.  The waves and sand follow the highlights and shadows with various textures, but the fence is raised up from the canvas.  It blends in well and is a nice surprise as the texture catches your eye from different angles of view.

18 x 36 inches (plus frame)
Mixed Media
Framed (see below)
$1,750.00 plus shipping  

Email me for availability! (fawn@fawnsartstudio.com)


Sunday, August 20, 2023

Faithful Friend, animal portrait

"Faithful Friend"

I've been working on this little painting for over a month! Mostly, I had a hard time finding time to get in the studio, but I loved every minute of creating his portrait. This beautiful fellow belongs to a friend of ours that lives down the road.  He is always right by his master's side and waits patiently every time they come over. 

Please email me if you would like an original animal portrait! I have a price list by size.

~ Original art
~ Acrylic Painting
~ 8x10 inches
~ Not available

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Thursday, July 20, 2023

Spring Rush, mountain waterfall, knife painting

 "Spring Rush"

Good memories: Mountain hikes, melting snow, fast-moving creeks, and streams flowing over their banks. 

This palette knife painting is from a combination of places, but mostly from memories of my grandmother and me at Glacier National Park.  She loved driving through there when we would go visit my great-grandmother in Helena. I loved stopping at the falls and hiking up a bit to take pictures.

It is also a memory of hiking up in the Cabinet Mountains near Libby, Montana where my grandmother lived.  Late spring and early summer there was still lots of snow in the mountains. One summer in the middle of June my brothers and I were hiking and had a snowball fight with our mom!

I started this painting a few years ago.  Like so many I create for an art class, I don't feel they are finished.  Most of my time teaching is spent, well, teaching! I don't pay much attention to what is happening on my easel. With the pandemic and the closing of my gallery, almost everything went into storage.  I pulled this one out last week. I brightened up the highlights, added stronger shadows, and filled in the empty places. 

I have recently destroyed quite a few paintings that were in storage.  My goal this summer was to get them out and do something with them. I had hoped for more positive results. I wanted to make some corrections and/or finish them.  But some just didn't work out.  I am happy this one survived! (You can read more about that here.)

  • Original Knife Painting
  • Acrylic on hardboard
  • Professional Materials
  • 11x14 inches
  • Ready to frame
  • $850.00 includes shipping
Email me: fawn@fawnsartstudio.com  for availability or to have something similar created.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Jesus Loves Me, girl writing in sand at the beach

 "Jesus Loves Me"

I've worked on this painting for over a year! 

It truly speaks for itself.

~ Original Art
~ Acrylic on Canvas
~ 14 x 18 inches
~ Not for Sale

Email me for prints of this image! Fawn@fawnsartstudio.com

Related Posts:

Friday, June 16, 2023

Sugar, white cat, mixed media

©Fawn McNeill, Dec. 2018

Beautifully strange colored eyes. Sugar made herself at home under my gallery in the spring of 2018.  My students loved her and called her Snowflake.  She would dash in each time the door opened. 

 I felt sorry for her and fed her because she was so skinny and nursing three kittens.  She looked like a kitten herself!  I'm sure it was her first litter.  She was wild and skittish, but she warmed up to us a little.  We found homes for her kittens and I had her fixed. 

I created this painting for my students as an example for one of our classes.  We made the eyes bigger than normal and played up the fluffy fur.  It was a fun class!  

White is a challenge for young students because they don't want to add shadows.  (The cat had to be painted light blue, beige, and pink before the white was added over the top so the fur would show up.) 

Later, I went back and added more details and a few beads above her eye and one on the collar.  It was one of the first in my new mixed-media series and I wasn't too sure how much to add or whether I would like it or not.  The custom blue frame was a perfect match!

I'm not sure why it never got posted. I had it on display at some shows as 'not for sale' and then finally put a price on it at the Unique Boutique when I started selling some of my mixed-media pieces. I think subconsciously that I just wanted to keep it. I've enjoyed the memories it carries of my little gallery and teaching center before the pandemic shut it all down.

~ Original Mixed Media
~ Acrylic on canvas
~ Professional Materials
~ 11 x 14 inches 
~ Custom frame (see below)
~ $750.00 (free shipping in the US)

Email me: fawn@fawnsartstudio.com  for availability or for information about having your pet's portrait created in a size you would like! (Custom paintings are priced by size.) 

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