Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Breathtaking Impact, beach sunrise


"Breathtaking Impact" ©2019

"...the breath of the All Mighty gives me life."  Job 33:4

When I came around the corner and got that first glimpse of this scene before me, it stopped me in my tracks!  The salt air blew across my face and the sunlight danced on the water.  It was just incredible.  I wanted to capture that moment of awe when all of your senses are engaged in absorbing so much information all at once.  I was also interested in the shadows from the fence falling on the footprints on the sand.

I used modeling paste to build up thick impasto relief on the fence and in the waves.  I used gel medium on a painting knife to build up the textures in the sand and then painted the highlights and shadows over the top with a drybrush technique. This causes all kinds of interesting effects and is fun to create. 

The fence was very challenging.  Trying to get the edges straight and the posts to stand out with thick layers had me adding many layers.  The image doesn't capture the textures.  

This painting didn't get posted last year because it was at a show in Wellington in December.  Then before the show ended (the first week in April, 2020) everything was closed.  I couldn't pick it up for months!  

18 x 36 inches (plus frame)
Mixed Media
Framed (see below)
$1,7500.00 plus shipping  

Email me:  for availability or information about having something similar created! 
Price list by size.

Thanks for stopping by!

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