Monday, May 28, 2007

Big Lake? Plein Air, Daily Painting

"Big Lake?"

9 x12 inches
(ready to frame)
Acrylic on hardboard
Went down to the lake. I wanted to paint the pier, which has no water left under it at all. Last week it was a gorgeous array of new lime green grass, and bright yellow orange weeds. But now we have bull-dossers and front-end loaders all over the place. They are digging up all of the muck, and dredging out the area. It was heartbreaking! This is usually a beautiful wetland with alligators, ducks, and all kinds of birds. Now we have heavy equipment instead of wildlife.
So I went back and did this same cypress tree that I painted last December. You can really see how the water in the boat channel is almost gone. It just looks like a little stream now. Just past it is what used to be under water. Now we have grass, shrubs, and young trees starting to take over.
(See below for comparison.)
I am currently doing a series of these historical paintings of the drought.

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Last December, Plein Air

"Big Lake"
(Click on image to enlarge)
Plein air Painting
9 x12 inches
Acrylic on Gessobord

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Saturday, May 26, 2007

Over the Dike Too, Impressionistic Daily Painting

Over the Dike, Too
9 x 12 inches
Acrylic on Watercolor Paper
(ready to frame)

I am still amazed at the low water levels of our very large lake. Lake Okeechobee is the second largest fresh water lake in the US. But now it doesn't look like much. Mud, sand and new lime-green grass everywhere. All of the bright green areas used to be under water. I am fascinated by the brilliant colors. (Click here for a comparison of this same area back in November of 2006.)

I have been doing some of my paintings on watercolor paper. I love the overall texture, but I haven't gotten used to the wavy bumps. I'll go back and straighten up the horizon line on this one.

Friday, May 25, 2007

LemonStudy, Impressionism, Daily Painting

"Study of a Lemon Tree"
8 x 10 inches
(Ready to frame)
Acrylic on Watercolor Paper

This lemon tree grows next to a cypress tree in my yard.

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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Eagle Bay 3, Impressionism Landscape, Daily Painting

"Eagle Bay 3"
8 by 10 inches
Acrylic on watercolor paper

This is Eagle Bay now, with out very much rain in 5 months. All of the bright yellow green areas used to be full of water. There were no birds around either, which is unusual. It is raining off and on today, everyone is so grateful!
Yesterday's post shows the same area just before the drought had set in.

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Eagle Bay in January

"Eagle Bay"
8 x 10 inches
Acrylic on hardboard


I added a little boat, and some birds. I just love these bold contrasting colors!

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Low Water, Impressionism landscape, Daily Painting

"Low Water"
8 x10 inches
Acrylic on watercolor paper 

I painted this from memory. Lake Okeechobee is even lower now. All of this area used to be knee deep! Now the mud and grass go almost back to the horizon. Oddly beautiful. Sad and unbelievable, yet the colors of the tender new grass are so brilliant.

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Saturday, May 19, 2007

Cool Down, Horse, impressionism, Daily Painting

"Cool Down"

I have worked on this painting a little every day this week. I have had so many interruptions that I wasn't sure I would ever finish it! I got up early this morning and stole a couple of hours!

I was studying the effects of the light and of the wind. I kept trying to show both. Florida gets miserably hot, and then the wind picks up and the rain clouds roll in. The animals head to the barn. But just before the sun hides behind the clouds there is a wonderful array of contrast on everything. That is what I was trying for, but I didn't capture it until this morning.

~ Original art
~ Acrylic on hardboard
~ 9 x12 inches
~ Custom wood frame (see below)
~ $850.00 (Free shipping in the US)


Email me: for availability 

Monday, May 14, 2007

Hiding, Impressionism, Daily Painting

"Hiding Spot"
9 x 12 inches
Acrylic on hardboard

I was taken by the contrasting colors of sunlight and shade. The hidden cat is extra. 

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Saturday, May 12, 2007

Maple, Impressionism,Daily Painting

"Study of a Maple"
9 x 12 inches
Acrylic on hardboard

Just a quick study of this beautiful tree. Actually it is a study in the effects sunlight and reflected light. Enjoy!

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Friday, May 11, 2007

Hidden,Impressionism,Wildlife, Daily Painting

"Hidden Truth"
9 x12 inches
Acrylic on hardboard

This Great Egret reminded me of all the unseen wildlife all around. These birds are gorgeous with their long plumes. The title refers to so many things we miss everyday that declare the Creator's love for us.

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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Over the Dike, Impressionism Daily Painting

"Over the Dike"
Pein Air painting
Acrylic on hardboard

Did this painting back in November. Lake Okeechobee looks very different now. The sand bars and the mud are everywhere. The lake hasn't ever been so low, at least not that anyone has record of. I hope I can get out and paint it soon, I've been so busy with getting final exams ready and grading final projects at school that I haven't painted much lately. I am so ready for summer! smile.

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Monday, May 07, 2007

New Kid on the Block, Impressionism landscape

"New Kid on the Block"
(click on the image to enlarge)
9 x 12 inches
acrylic on hardboard
Not Available

This painting started as a sky-scape. Just studying the shadows in the thunderheads we had this week. We are in a severe drought, so the storms are a welcomed sight. We had half of a tree in our driveway yesterday! Took all day today to clear it.

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New Kid Detail

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Friday, May 04, 2007

Playful Pony, Impressionism, Daily Painting

"Playful Pony"
9 x 12 inches
Acrylic on hardboard

Nothing like watching a horse kick up his hooves and run when you call for them!
They are faithful friends even when we are not.

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Pony Detail

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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Fly Away, Impressionism Wildlife, Daily Painting

"I'll Fly Away"
9 x 12 inches
Acrylic on gessoed board

I was taking some pictures of the reflections when this Great Blue Heron flew up in front of me! The photos did not turn out so well, but I was able to capture that exciting moment in this painting.

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