Sunday, August 20, 2023

Faithful Friend, animal portrait

"Faithful Friend"

I've been working on this little painting for over a month! Mostly, I had a hard time finding time to get in the studio, but I loved every minute of creating his portrait. This beautiful fellow belongs to a friend of ours that lives down the road.  He is always right by his master's side and waits patiently every time they come over. 

Please email me if you would like an original animal portrait! I have a price list by size.

~ Original art
~ Acrylic Painting
~ 8x10 inches
~ Not available

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Thursday, July 20, 2023

Spring Rush, mountain waterfall, knife painting

 "Spring Rush"

Good memories: Mountain hikes, melting snow, fast-moving creeks, and streams flowing over their banks. 

This palette knife painting is from a combination of places, but mostly from memories of my grandmother and me at Glacier National Park.  She loved driving through there when we would go visit my great-grandmother in Helena. I loved stopping at the falls and hiking up a bit to take pictures.

It is also a memory of hiking up in the Cabinet Mountains near Libby, Montana where my grandmother lived.  Late spring and early summer there was still lots of snow in the mountains. One summer in the middle of June my brothers and I were hiking and had a snowball fight with our mom!

I started this painting a few years ago.  Like so many I create for an art class, I don't feel they are finished.  Most of my time teaching is spent, well, teaching! I don't pay much attention to what is happening on my easel. With the pandemic and the closing of my gallery, almost everything went into storage.  I pulled this one out last week. I brightened up the highlights, added stronger shadows, and filled in the empty places. 

I have recently destroyed quite a few paintings that were in storage.  My goal this summer was to get them out and do something with them. I had hoped for more positive results. I wanted to make some corrections and/or finish them.  But some just didn't work out.  I am happy this one survived! (You can read more about that here.)

  • Original Knife Painting
  • Acrylic on hardboard
  • Professional Materials
  • 11x14 inches
  • Ready to frame
  • $850.00 includes shipping
Email me:  for availability or to have something similar created.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Jesus Loves Me, girl writing in sand at the beach

 "Jesus Loves Me"

I've worked on this painting for over a year! 

It truly speaks for itself.

~ Original Art
~ Acrylic on Canvas
~ 14 x 18 inches
~ Not for Sale

Email me for prints of this image!

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Friday, June 16, 2023

Sugar, white cat, mixed media

©Fawn McNeill, Dec. 2018

Beautifully strange colored eyes. Sugar made herself at home under my gallery in the spring of 2018.  My students loved her and called her Snowflake.  She would dash in each time the door opened. 

 I felt sorry for her and fed her because she was so skinny and nursing three kittens.  She looked like a kitten herself!  I'm sure it was her first litter.  She was wild and skittish, but she warmed up to us a little.  We found homes for her kittens and I had her fixed. 

I created this painting for my students as an example for one of our classes.  We made the eyes bigger than normal and played up the fluffy fur.  It was a fun class!  

White is a challenge for young students because they don't want to add shadows.  (The cat had to be painted light blue, beige, and pink before the white was added over the top so the fur would show up.) 

Later, I went back and added more details and a few beads above her eye and one on the collar.  It was one of the first in my new mixed-media series and I wasn't too sure how much to add or whether I would like it or not.  The custom blue frame was a perfect match!

I'm not sure why it never got posted. I had it on display at some shows as 'not for sale' and then finally put a price on it at the Unique Boutique when I started selling some of my mixed-media pieces. I think subconsciously that I just wanted to keep it. I've enjoyed the memories it carries of my little gallery and teaching center before the pandemic shut it all down.

~ Original Mixed Media
~ Acrylic on canvas
~ Professional Materials
~ 11 x 14 inches 
~ Custom frame (see below)
~ $750.00 (free shipping in the US)

Email me:  for availability or for information about having your pet's portrait created in a size you would like! (Custom paintings are priced by size.) 

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Sunday, May 28, 2023

New Every Morning, sunrise, beach, waves, sandy shore

"New Every Morning"
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come 
to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
 (Lamentations 3:22-23)

Looking for patterns in the woodgrain for sand and then using that to find the waves is quite satisfying. It is challenging to add layers for the illusion of transparent water and exciting to add the details of seafoam with its interesting patterns and shadows. 

I revisited this painting after hanging it in my bedroom for two months. (I noticed a few things I wanted to change each time I studied it.) This is risky, as I have ruined a painting and had to start over completely.  But now I bravely removed a few shadows, added more seafoam, and brightened some of the splash. I am happy I did it!

I never allowed myself to go back over a painting, thinking, "That was how I interpreted things then, and I should not change it. Don't want to risk ruining it either."  But now I find myself enhancing and correcting some of them, thinking, "It is mine, I can change it if I want!"  (The older I get the the more courageous I get! Too funny.)

This painting is framed in a floater frame. Well, sort of.  I inverted a cradled wood support and painted it to bring out the colors of the sand and then I put the painting in it as if it were a floater frame.  It turned out perfect!


~ Original acrylic on cradled hardboard
~ Professional Materials
~ 12 x 12 inches (including frame)
~ $800.00 (free shipping in the US)

Email me:  for availability or to have something similar created.

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Thursday, May 18, 2023

Lake Sunset, palm tree, watercolor

"Lake Sunset"
© Fawn McNeill 2022

Isn't this an awesome little demonstration painting?  Demos in watercolor don't usually turn out as well as I would like, but this one went well from start to finish, and includes great memories while teaching it!

I like the simplicity of it as well as the calming colors.  Of course, the strong contrast is always a plus. The cabbage palm tree really sets it all off.  

I just matted this painting.  Enjoy!

~ Original Demo 
~ Watercolor on acid-free watercolor paper 
~ Matted to 8 x 10 inches
~ Ready to Frame 
~ Not available

A note about framing: Artwork on paper should be framed behind glass with a mat around it to keep it off of the glass and protect it.  This includes photographs and prints on paper.  Those on canvas or wood should not be framed behind glass.  Original oils and acrylics are usually done on canvas or wood and need to breathe.  If artwork or photograph is done on paper or mat board it should be framed behind glass with a mat to keep the image off of the glass. (Glass can trap moisture and ruin the image.)  Click here to read more about framing.

Click here to read about the trials I've been overcoming lately.

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Sunday, May 07, 2023

New Morning, plein air, lake

"New Morning"
© Fawn McNeill 3/18/2023

The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; His mercies never come to an end: 
They are new every morning... Lamentations 3:22-23

Didn't get a chance to post this one. I had a hard time getting a good image of it:  too much glare or too much exaggeration of the canvas grain.  

I went out with a new painting group in Vero Beach. We met at the Savannah's Preserve in Fort Pierce. It was a bit windy, but still a lovely morning. I haven't had a chance to get out since, but I do plan to paint with them again.  

~ Original Plein Air Painting
~ Acrylic on canvas
~ Professional Materials
~ 8 x 10 inches
~ Ready to Frame 
~ $525.00 (free shipping in the US)

Email me for availability: 

On a personal note, my son, Kyle, is fighting cancer and I have been keeping my grandkids when he has treatments, appointments, or trips to the ER. It has been (at times) 3 or more times a week (when he had complications). I enjoy the kids, but it has been rough watching them struggle with watching their dad suffer.  Right now he seems to be doing better. Praying he beats it!

 Between work, teaching classes, taking care of my husband and grandkids, plus trying to find time to paint, it can get overwhelming. But joy does come when I focus on positive things.

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