Sunday, May 28, 2023

New Every Morning, sunrise, beach, waves, sandy shore

"New Every Morning"
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come 
to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
 (Lamentations 3:22-23)

Looking for patterns in the woodgrain for sand and then using that to find the waves is quite satisfying. It is challenging to add layers for the illusion of transparent water and exciting to add the details of seafoam with its interesting patterns and shadows. 

I revisited this painting after hanging it in my bedroom for two months. (I noticed a few things I wanted to change each time I studied it.) This is risky, as I have ruined a painting and had to start over completely.  But now I bravely removed a few shadows, added more seafoam, and brightened some of the splash. I am happy I did it!

I never allowed myself to go back over a painting, thinking, "That was how I interpreted things then, and I should not change it. Don't want to risk ruining it either."  But now I find myself enhancing and correcting some of them, thinking, "It is mine, I can change it if I want!"  (The older I get the the more courageous I get! Too funny.)

This painting is framed in a floater frame. Well, sort of.  I inverted a cradled wood support and painted it to bring out the colors of the sand and then I put the painting in it as if it were a floater frame.  It turned out perfect!


~ Original acrylic on cradled hardboard
~ Professional Materials
~ 12 x 12 inches (including frame)
~ $800.00 (free shipping in the US)

Email me:  for availability or to have something similar created.

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Thursday, May 18, 2023

Lake Sunset, palm tree, watercolor

"Lake Sunset"
© Fawn McNeill 2022

Isn't this an awesome little demonstration painting?  Demos in watercolor don't usually turn out as well as I would like, but this one went well from start to finish, and includes great memories while teaching it!

I like the simplicity of it as well as the calming colors.  Of course, the strong contrast is always a plus. The cabbage palm tree really sets it all off.  

I just matted this painting.  Enjoy!

~ Original Demo 
~ Watercolor on acid-free watercolor paper 
~ Matted to 8 x 10 inches
~ Ready to Frame 
~ Not available

A note about framing: Artwork on paper should be framed behind glass with a mat around it to keep it off of the glass and protect it.  This includes photographs and prints on paper.  Those on canvas or wood should not be framed behind glass.  Original oils and acrylics are usually done on canvas or wood and need to breathe.  If artwork or photograph is done on paper or mat board it should be framed behind glass with a mat to keep the image off of the glass. (Glass can trap moisture and ruin the image.)  Click here to read more about framing.

Click here to read about the trials I've been overcoming lately.

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Sunday, May 07, 2023

New Morning, plein air, lake

"New Morning"
© Fawn McNeill 3/18/2023

The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; His mercies never come to an end: 
They are new every morning... Lamentations 3:22-23

Didn't get a chance to post this one. I had a hard time getting a good image of it:  too much glare or too much exaggeration of the canvas grain.  

I went out with a new painting group in Vero Beach. We met at the Savannah's Preserve in Fort Pierce. It was a bit windy, but still a lovely morning. I haven't had a chance to get out since, but I do plan to paint with them again.  

~ Original Plein Air Painting
~ Acrylic on canvas
~ Professional Materials
~ 8 x 10 inches
~ Ready to Frame 
~ $525.00 (free shipping in the US)

Email me for availability: 

On a personal note, my son, Kyle, is fighting cancer and I have been keeping my grandkids when he has treatments, appointments, or trips to the ER. It has been (at times) 3 or more times a week (when he had complications). I enjoy the kids, but it has been rough watching them struggle with watching their dad suffer.  Right now he seems to be doing better. Praying he beats it!

 Between work, teaching classes, taking care of my husband and grandkids, plus trying to find time to paint, it can get overwhelming. But joy does come when I focus on positive things.

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Monday, May 01, 2023

Morning Stroll, white ibis

"Morning Stroll"

Made a few corrections and added extra details to this little painting from a few years ago.

I gave the grass more shadows and enhanced the water to set the ibis off. I also added more feathers. I just love the blueish hues in the shading. Then I dabbed the water with more sparkle and made it drip from the beak slightly.

This bird was a visitor while I was out painting on location at the Savanna's Recreational Area in Fort Pierce. I got quite a few pictures of him as he walked up and down the edge of the water. 

~ Exclusive Art
~ Original Acrylic on hardboard
~ Professional Materials
~ 6 x 6 inches
~ Ready to Frame 


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Thursday, April 20, 2023

Standing Tall, blue heron

"Standing Tall"

Took several attempts with this painting.  Mostly I struggled with the proportions. The neck would be too fat, or the legs too short.  Finally created a good stance and stuck with it! 

The background was just plain fun. I added many layers of color and movement.  I like the contrast between the impressionistic background and the realistic heron.  

The great blue heron is a huge bird.  They are almost as tall as me and their wing span looks about 6 to 7 feet.  They range from a pale light gray to a bluish gray.  Some of them have sienna red markings and black markings.  They are plentiful around here.  They are experts at catching fish too.  It is amazing to watch them swallow a large fish that looks like it could never fit down that neck!

~ Exclusive Art
~ Original Acrylic on hardboard
~ Professional Materials
~ 9 x 12 inches


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Thursday, April 13, 2023

In the Rock, pine tree, waterfall


"In the Rock"

Pulled this out of storage, cleaned it up, made some corrections, added a little waterfall, and put it in a new custom frame with an interesting texture. 

This painting originally started after a visit home to Montana.  I was staying with my brother near Glacier National Park, so I was thrilled to get to go hiking in the mountains again. It had been 5 years or so!  I saw this young pine tree growing right out of the rocks and thought about how life is like that sometimes.  You just have to put down deeper roots, hang in there, and trust in the Lord as your firm foundation.

I added the waterfall for two reasons.  First, I remember crossing a waterfall on a mountain hike when I was 12. It was the first time I froze up while mountain climbing. I should not have looked down!  It was a steep drop-off.  My friend's dad, Paul Miller, rescued me.  He reached back for me.  He helped me walk the thin log that made the bridge for us to cross over.

Second, I thought it would strengthen the composition and give the little tree a drink!

~ Exclusive Art
~ Original Acrylic
~ Professional Materials
~ 8 x 10 inches
~ Custom Frame (see below)
~ $750.00 (free shipping in the US)

Email me for availability:

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Sunday, April 02, 2023

Heaven's Glory, Jesus, lion, lamb

"Heaven's Glory"
© Fawn McNeill 2021

I'm not sure how to explain this painting.  I added so much symbolism but had so much uncertainty all at once as I created it. 

Jesus is called the Lion of Judea in the scriptures, and he is also called the Lamb of God. (He was the final sacrifice, the only sinless person, spotless.  Yet he willingly took our sin.  The sacrificed lambs were innocent and carried the sins of the people away each year.)

 Anyway, I was practicing for a large worship painting that I was going to do on stage in front of a large crowd.  But that never happened and this painting was put aside.  I was so disappointed, and I was not sure if it was finished, but I didn't want to change it because it was such a sacred experience while creating it. 

The colors were spontaneous. It made total sense as I moved through the spectrum of energy and light.  I have not altered it. 

I just wanted to share it.  

Blessings to you for Resurrection Sunday!

~ Inspirational Art
~ Original Acrylic
~ 18 x 24 inches
~ Not for sale

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Thursday, March 30, 2023

Set in Stone 2, flowers in a stone planter, mixed media

"Set in Stone, 2"
© Fawn McNeill 2020

Close-up view in warm lighting.

Flowers jumping off the page! Literally!  This is a wonderful combination of color, pattern, and elements.  It is like a song with a beautiful melody.  Even the colors harmonize. Very few compositions come together so well, but this was the second one. The first was a learning experiment, and it was almost as lovely! 

I created this just after closing my gallery from the pandemic, and now it is framed in a wonderful gold frame that sets it off more than I could have hoped for!

Some of the flowers are actually charms that created nice cast shadows. This gives an extra emphasis on the painted shadows. Other flowers have beads in the middle that catch the light as you view the painting from different angles.

If you can't tell I am very partial to this piece!

~ Exclusive Art
~ Original Mixed Media on Hardboard
~ Professional Materials
~ 11 x 14 inches
~ Elaborate Gold Frame (see below)

Cool lighting

Warm lighting

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Sunday, March 19, 2023

Calming Shores, beach, foot prints, knife painting

"Calming Shores"
© Fawn McNeill 2020

Look for the footprints fading away into the water, and a dove in the waves! 

This is part of a series of shoreline paintings, except this one is not mixed media.  I was more interested in the effects of the palette knife and trying to get the footprints to be saturated with water than I was in adding fun beads and shells. The dove shape just showed up, so I enhanced it.  Way too cool.

(I created this just before the pandemic. But because of shutting down my gallery, I never got around to posting it)

  • Original Knife Painting
  • Acrylic on hardboard
  • Professional Materials
  • 9 x 12 in
  • Ready to Frame
  • $790.00 (Free Shipping in US)
Email me for availability or for information about having something similar created in a size you prefer!

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

On My Way, path, palms, cardinal

 "On My Way"

"I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the
 Father except by me."   (Jesus speaking)  John 14:6

Exploring this path at a paint-out last year gave me some amazing photos! When the sun peaked through the clouds it inspired me to catch the memory in this painting. I've worked on this painting several times in the past few months and recently put the finishing touches on it.

The Plein air works I did that day were watercolor studies from a different area of the Ancient Oaks Preserve in Fort Pierce, Florida. 

~ Exclusive Art
~ Original Acrylic on hardboard
~ Professional Materials
~ 11 x 14 inches
~ Custom Wood Frame (see below)


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Monday, February 06, 2023

Sea Star, beach


"Sea Star"
© Fawn McNeill 2020

Found this starfish at Walmart. It was bleached white.  It was smaller than others I had found, so I thought it might work well on this small cradled hardboard.  I painted it and adhered it with acrylic modeling paste after I created the beach.

 I inverted the support and primed and painted the beach on the back so that I could use the cradled edge as a frame. Usually, the cradled back is used to hang the art and the sides get painted, so framing becomes optional. But this way I had a built-in frame!

(It is quite difficult to paint the inside edges of the cradled wood without ruining the painting!)

 I had done this once before and really liked the effect ("Shoreline Treasures").

Also, I created "Sea Angel" at the same time as this project.


~ Exclusive Art
~ Original Mixed Media
~ Professional Materials
~ 6 x 6 inches

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